UK Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement

This statement is made in accordance with the reporting requirement outlined in Section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”). It sets out the steps that Revantage Global Services UK Limited and its subsidiaries (“Revantage” or the “Company”) has taken, and continues to take, to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply chain.

Our Organisation

Revantage is a portfolio company of funds managed by affiliates of Blackstone Inc., and its principal activity is the provision of corporate services to investments that are owned by Blackstone-managed real estate funds. In Pursuit of Better, we deliver exceptional customer experiences to those funds and their portfolio companies that enable them to thrive. Revantage provides a highly skilled employee base and state-of-the-art technology to further our key focus on providing best in class service, advice and consultancy to multiple Blackstone real estate portfolio companies. Sectors include Office, Hospitality, Industrial, Logistics, Multi-Family, Retail, Senior Housing, and Manufactured Homes.

Revantage is headquartered in London and works very closely with the other Revantage Global Offices in Chicago, New-York, Singapore, Sydney and Luxembourg.

Our Statement

Revantage believes that human rights are an absolute and universal standard. The Company is opposed to all forms of slavery, human trafficking, forced labour or child labour and will not do business with any organisation that it believes is involved in these activities. Revantage considers that the risk of slavery, human trafficking or child labour taking place within its business and its supply chain is low. We attribute this largely to our industry as well as the policies and procedures we have in place (see further “Our Policies” below). Nevertheless, we will continue to monitor our business and supply chain, including having regard to any significant changes concerning our suppliers. If we discover or receive any suspicions of actual or potential violations of the Act, the Company will investigate thoroughly and take appropriate action, up to and including the termination of employees or suppliers found to be in violation of the Act.

Our People

Revantage reviews and monitors its employment practices to ensure that it maintains and promotes the highest standards and working practices for all its employees, in compliance with applicable legislation and guidance. The Company provides training to its employees and endeavours to foster a supportive and positive working environment for all employees.

Our Suppliers

Revantage also reviews and monitors its supplier relationships, including the completion of effective due diligence. Contractual terms requiring compliance with applicable laws, including the Act, are contained in agreements with our suppliers.

Our Policies

Revantage has implemented, and maintains, a number of policies that are relevant in this regard, and which aim to minimise the risk of modern slavery in our supply chain. These include:

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy which confirms our commitment to compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, which, amongst other things, requires the Company to provide effective training to its staff and conduct due diligence on its suppliers.

Whistleblowing Policy which encourages Company staff to report any concerns they may have in connection with Revantage’s business, including any concerns related to modern slavery/human trafficking and child or forced labour. The Company provides access to an anonymous third party Whistleblowing Helpline.

Statement of Ethics which reiterates our committment to abiding with the law at all times and reinforces our zero tolerance of modern slavery in particular.

Our Training

Revantage educates all of its staff to recognise the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains. Through our training, employees (particularly in parts of the business which manage our supply chain) are encouraged to identify and report any potential breaches of the Act or suspicions of anti-slavery and human trafficking within the Company’s supply chain. Revantage also engages specialist third party advisers, including external counsel, to assist in in the preparation and delivery of training regarding modern slavery and human traficking.

Our Customers

Revantage will not provide services to businesses that are conducting activities that are directly or indirectly associated with slavery, human trafficking, forced labour or child labour. The Company will immediately discontinue the provision of services to customers it discovers is involved in, or supports, any form of these illicit activities.

Our Ongoing Commitment

Revantage recognises its responsibility to ensure that its policies and systems reflect a zero tolerance of any forms of slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and child labour. The Company will review its policies and procedures, including staff training, to ensure that these issues remain effectively embedded in our business in accordance with the Act and best practices.


The directors and senior management of Revantage are ultimately responsible for;

  • Implementing this statement;
  • Providing adequate resources and investment to minimise the risk of human slavery and trafficking taking place within the business and its supply chain;
  • Ensuring that the Company’s approach is maintained and regularly reviewed;
  • Ensuring that the commitments outlined in this statement are adhered to.

Review, Publication and Feedback

This statement will be reviewed and published annually. Revantage welcomes feedback from its stakeholders concerning this statement. This can be submitted to the Head of Revantage UK and General Counsel, Jeremy Liebster at


This statement was approved by the Company’s Board of Directors on July 1, 2024.


Jeremy Liebster
Head of Revantage UK and General Counsel


To download a PDF version of this policy, please click here.